
One Afternoon(my short story of my short life!)

Just then,as I am locking down the boot,by the side of the road,cedric dashes into the afternoon traffic.And my heart and everything else suddenly rushes after him. That very instant,a humongous monster is blindly bearing down that very road at the wreckless speed of light,on one end. Cedric is oblivious of the trailer_truck,he is blindly running after something. On the other end I hear sirens screaming.Cars are giving way to an oncoming convoy,and it is not stopping. Thoughts, emotions ,pounding heart-beat, everything inside me is welling up into a defeaning symphony of mayhem. My limbs are numb. But somehow, in a flash I find myself crouching, clutching, wrapping myself around my son...in the middle of the battle...the road. The truck skids side-ways…and its dinosaur tail smashes into dazed onlookers, and a street lamp. The first car in the convoy, inches away from where we are, screeches, and fights to brake…it’s left front tyre smoothly breaks loose, and it somersaults toward us. The head of the truck, now flying above us, is coming down upon us. We are about to be smashed alive!! My mind goes blank. All the havoc has now faded to a dumb blur at the blood cuddling thought of death. And then. Silence. I open my eyes. I am crouching with my son, in the middle of the empty, dimly lit street, outside the supermarket. I glance at my watch…it is 9pm.A huge tailer_truck is parked quietly infront of our car. Across the street, two officers are trying to fix a tyre. Cedric is holding onto something. He is sheepishly smiling at some sort of key ring, key holder in his hands. I notice something on the ground beneath him. A grenade! (fortzionsauthenticity//aug.31.2012//10:59)

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