
EGENIA Planet On The Rise

I think every story writer has one of those stories they write just for the fun of writing…just for the love of the pen… just for memories sake… just for the fun of reading!!
Then again, as if that’s the only reason why we (free-style/free-lance writers) actually write! The thought has just struck me, and I am loving it, so Egenia, Planet on the rise is a collection of some short stories…some amplified and tweaked personal accounts and things like that, all happening on planet EGENIA…land of Genius(Stroke of Genius)

The factory’s guttural thunder rips through the empty quiet space leaving behind a deafening high pitched hiss, and spewing a swift rush of debris, smoke, fire and explosion all over the place.
Larma and Juno are struggling to outrace the chaotic fire that is now quickly pursuing/ bearing down their tail through space. Their voices are shaking their way through the communicators:
“Juno…a..re..we making it back to the portal in time?”

“We have no choice. We have to”

…just then Larma’s capsule is shaken momentarily violently by a tremor. The siren lights start blinking red….
“Larma..can you hear me”… “they are raining the hail on us…Larma”

“Relax,. I’m still here…:

“Larma. No!!We are not doing this again…Larma. We’ve got to get back to the portal…Larma!!?”

 ..Uncomfortable silence..


Just then, Larma’s capsule swerves around and plunges head-on into the on-coming charge of explosion, and now swarm of attacking ships, and barrage of missile fire.
Juno just sighs and mutters “I thought so” as their capsules disappear back into the smoke.
Larma is intently focused peering through the thick fog of smoke, as her space capsule slices through the din of missile fire, and fighter ships wheezing by. His ship is wildly spinning and turning, and somersaulting, but he grips onto the steering joystick unceasingly. Beads of salty perspiration roll down her forehead, through her bushy eyebrows, into her eyes…but she gently,but firmly steers on. As if unaware of all this. Beneath the firm stare of her eyes is a childish “half smile”… she is in the middle of play time on the battlefield!! Juno’s capsule is experiencing a beating. The storm of missiles is shaking it to the core… the hologram timer is quickly racing to zero… the fuel gauge, missile shield ,missile tracking icons in the cock_pit a blincking incessantly.

“Larma..let’s quit this one... the portal is closing soon…”  


Voices of My Night

21:38 9th February 2013 I am staring at the only lit spot in this dark room…the laptop screen. Darkness is covering everything around like some gloomy, calm quiet and subtle dust-cover… I am resting in the couch, as thoughts drive through my head, and collide and smoothly mingle with the soft acoustic music that is flowing through my ears. It is an acoustic recording by Newbreed, “Turn To You”, and they are thoughts of conversations through my day, and of the girl whose call I now await, and of events in my recent life. Questions are becoming clear, as some meanings become blurred, and the other way round. Slowly I begin to realize what I want to do. The image of which has been forming in my mind, and my heart slowly, but persistently. The direction from which I begin to understand I cannot turn. The voice of which I can no longer continue to ignore. There is that point in life when God is” taking His time”…sipping on his cup of coffee. He seems to be oblivious of the weight of my situation. Yes, he has the answers, and also owns all the time in heaven, yet here on earth life must /and is going on. Someone has got to do something and if God isn’t about to, I think I’m going to test the reins. “I think I just might take His place for the meantime until he finally comes through”. Ridiculous, but that is exactly how most ,if not, all of us are handling our projects, relationships, jobs, friends, siblings, pets, traffic officials, families, exams, board meetings, broken gadgets, broken hearts…We are entrusting our fate to our own feeble hands which we ourselves have no ounce of trust in. The words I hear in this song that is weaving the voices of my night, sums up everything I want to do. (one of the Newbreed singers in this set is called “Charlene Moore”…just for your FYI) “My focus is Jesus, who’s the alpha and omega All my hopes are found in You Jesus, Who will never disappoint, or fail, or let me down… For you have no equal, your name is supreme, In all you are righteous, I turn to you again” _turn to you¬¬_ NewBreed(Hallelujah project)